Thursday 26 March 2015

The Balanced Bikini Model

 MY MISSION: To Become The Balanced Bikini Model

I have a confession to make...I am going to compete again!!! If you have read my previous posts you are probably wondering WHY I made this decision. Well I found my sense of WHY again.

During the past year of not prepping for a show, my life has undergone some radical changes. I have had the opportunity to experience life the way I was meant to, BALANCED. I had to learn how to feel healthy and not worry about my physique or body fat percentage. My perspectives of health and fitness have further developed and I have discovered what MY body needs.

I wanted to experience this journey in a whole new way. I want to compete to show others that you can feel healthy and look fit! In the past when I was in "Prep Mode" I was stressed, physically exhausted and felt like I was sacrificing my social and family life. This is NOT what healthy looks or feels like to me. My mission is to have a balanced prep for both my mind and body. This does NOT mean it will not be challenging because it will, but that's what will motivate me to keep going!

So what does the life of a BALANCED BIKINI MODEL look like???

For me personally it means achieving a healthy body, mind and soul. Enjoying a variety of workouts, eating wholesome food, including quality time with friends & family and allowing myself to relax.


I will include a variety of training methods because my body feels worn out with the classic weight lifting 5 times a week with added cardio 3-4 times a week. My workouts will include:

-Body Weight Strength Training
-Weight Training (low-weight, higher rep range)
-Interval Training (HIIT cardio)
-Low Impact Cardio


I do not like labeling myself as Vegan, Paleo or Vegetarian, this seems silly to me because it is my body and I choose what is best for me. This will include:

-Plant Based (lots of veggies and moderate fruits)
-No Gluten (grains will include quinoa, oats, brown rice & gluten-free bread)
-No Lactose or Whey (no whey protein)
-Milk alternatives: almond & coconut milk
-Seeds (flax, chia, sunflower, hemp, pumpkin etc)
-Healthy fats (seed butters, coconut oil, avocados)
-Eggs & Egg whites
-Fish (salmon, shrimp)
-Meatless proteins (vegan protein powder, fermented soy products, beans)
***I will allow myself weekly cheat meals until about 4 weeks out to help me stay focused during the week & enjoy special occasions


I believe keeping the mind healthy is important for a fit lifestyle. This is why I will stay committed to daily meditations and journaling. Also make time for personal growth reading and positive practices. Spending time with family and friends is a big part of my life and asking them for support will be a must so they can understand this process and how important it is for me.

I invite you to follow me along in my journey!!! I will be posting my recipes and experiences on the blog and sharing them on  The Fit Feel Facebook Page! I have chosen to do UFE's Summer Sanitarium July 18, 2015, ( because this will be a local show, they are a natural organization and UFE is where my fitness journey began!!!

1 comment:

  1. Keeping a positive attitude is very important, always have a smiling on your face when meeting with a photographer or casting director.
    Remember all eyes are on you, so when walking show good posture; this is the key to your success. For more,
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