Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Being a "Healthy & Successful" Woman in 2015

Being a "Healthy & Successful" Woman in 2015 is NOT easy!!!

I empathize with every woman out their trying to "balance it all" in this fast-paced society that has extremely high expectations for women.

Eating: Eat vegetables, fruit (but not too much fruit), feed your kids and pack your own meals, cook dinner that suits your whole family, eat during work, avoid cravings and support your physique related goals, enjoy some wine, but not too much wine!

Working out: Lift heavy, but don't get too muscular, do cardio, but don't do so much that you lose your curves, have energy for your family and yourself.

Lifestyle: Make time for your family, friends, take care of yourself and oh yeah, sleep! Work hard at your career and at home to keep your life "together".


Here are some things to remember when you feel like you are losing your mind, trying to meet all of life's expectations:

1. Do what makes YOU happy. If you feel best after doing a morning workout on your own, then do it to start your day right. If you would rather grab an early morning coffee with a friend because you need a best friend therapy session then call her up! If you have been craving chocolate all day, just have a piece! Stressing about life's "To Do List" and "Shoulds" will only makes us unhappy and resentful.

2. Appreciate Your Body. Our bodies do a lot of work for us and we have to eat to fuel our activity and attain our own highest potential. A diet that works for a friends' weight loss may not work for you and that's okay! Find your own maintainable diet plan that gives you energy, improves your health and fits into your lifestyle.

3. Accept your Shape. Some women look incredible with muscle, some women look best slender, other women rock long legs while others have toned petite figures. Accept the shape you were given and work with what you've got! We all have different shapes and features that make us special. Be confident in the features you love most and do workouts to compliment your own figure and well-being.

4. Make time for Recharging. We pack our schedules so tightly because we feel the need to be productive with the 7 days a week we were given. If you are a planner, plan time for no plans! We all need time to unwind in a positive way, when we aren't giving our time away. Leave room for relaxing and just enjoying your morning coffee or a glass of wine on the weekend.

5. ASK for Help. As busy and successful women, we don't want to admit when it is all "too much". Ask your friends for advice, your family for guidance and your partner for support. Know when you have taken on more than you can handle and either re-prioritize or ask others to help you get back on track. When we ask for help, we are not showing weakness, we are displaying wisdom to know our limits and appreciate others' strengths & knowledge.

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