Sunday, 5 July 2015

I Have Already Won...

I am only 2 weeks away from competing in UFE's Summer Sanitarium!!! 
I can finally say, that after my 13th prep, I have WON.

I feel like it took me this many competition preps to realize why I compete and understand what a healthy lifestyle means to me. The most difficult part of this prep was to stay to true to my initial goal, which was to maintain a balanced lifestyle while training. I did not let this prep take over my life or prevent me from enjoying holidays, time with my friends or family or distract me from my work. This was a new concept for me compared to other competition preps.

AND THIS IS HOW LIFE SHOULD BE! Life should be balanced. A healthy life does not mean obsessing over your food or body at the cost of your relationships or happiness. Some people (like myself) will always battle an internal struggle with weight and body mage, but it should not be a stressor that takes time and energy away from the important things in life.

My boyfriend asked me yesterday, "So what is the perfect body to you anyways?" This question stumped me because no matter how lean or toned I have gotten, it has never been good enough. I am pouring out my heart to tell you that at some point you have to accept your physical self for "good enough".  You or I will never be "perfect" in our own eyes. We have to accept our bodies as good enough when we not only look "fit," but feel happy and healthy with our lifestyle choices.At that point, it is time to work on the inside to increase our self worth beyond our physical appearance.

Through this prep, I do feel like I have already won. I know what my own version of healthy feels like. I understand what I need to do to feel good about myself, without becoming obsessed with my food or exercise. This is 10 times more valuable than winning any title. This is what is going to get me through the rest of my life. In the next 2 weeks, I will be pushing past my own "normal" because I am competing, but I know after the show what I have to do to maintain my health and happiness.

With this being said, my "normal" is very different than other people's "normal" and THAT has been my biggest challenge to overcome. It has taken a lot of self reflection to understand what makes ME feel good about myself, but I would rather be happy with my own choices than blend into the crowd and be disappointed with myself.

I wish the best of luck to ALL of the competitors and I honestly hope that everyone has had a wonderful journey of self discovery. We are own own biggest critics and competition, but guess what??? WE GOT THIS!

Much love in health & fitness xoxo

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